Mobile2020 has ended

Our project "More biking in small and medium sized towns of Central and Eastern Europe by 2020" (mobile2020) has ended. Read about our approach and achievements in our brochures "gaining momentum" and "keeping balance" or dive deeper into utility cycling with the mobile2020 handbook


Conference "Cycling in Central and Eastern Europe" (15/16 Oct 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia)

The Mobile2020 project consortium invited transport and cycling professionals, decision makers, urban planners, cycling aficionados and other interested stakeholders to Ljubljana to participate on the conference “Cycling in Central and Eastern Europe” on October 15/16th. 

The goal of the conference was to bring cycling stakeholders from all over Europe together to discuss the challenges and prospects of cycling promotion in Central and Eastern Europe. Furthermore, the conference participants had the chance to experience cycling in Ljubljana on their own.

Download the Conference Documentation (PDF)

Take a look at the agenda and presentations


Final event of mobile2020 (29th April 2014 in Szentendre, Hungary)

With great pleasure the mobile2020 consortium invited to the final event of the project. Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Programme of the European Union, mobile2020 aimed to develop and promote urban cycling in small and mid-size cities in 11 countries in Central and Eastern Europe.  The final event marked not only the end of the mobile2020 project but also hosted the project managers of the most notable cycling projects implemented in the region in the last five years. They presented success stories of past projects and helped define a path for the future. 

The conference was also accessible via a live-stream.

Download the conference documentation (PDF)

Take a look at the agenda and presentations

Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union